Notice of Decision
With respect to an Official Plan Amendment under subsection 17(34) of the Planning Act
File No.: 06-OP-205766
Municipality: City of Ottawa
Subject Lands: All lands within the City of Ottawa
Date of Decision: November 4, 2022
Date of Notice: November 4, 2022
A decision was made on the date noted above to approve, with thirty (30) modifications, the new City of Ottawa Official Plan as adopted by By-law No. 2021-386.
Purpose and Effect of the Official Plan
The approval of City of Ottawa’s new official plan, as modified, repeals and replaces the in- effect official plan adopted by the city in 2003 and all amendments thereto. The new official plan outlines a comprehensive land use policy framework to guide growth and development within the city to the year 2046, including policies and schedules that address housing and growth management; long-term planning for employment and infrastructure; protect water resources, natural heritage and agricultural areas; manage non-renewable resources; plan for climate change; and safeguard public health and safety.
The thirty (30) modifications to the official plan have been made by the Minister to address provincial policy direction and government priorities related the long-term protection of provincial highways, wetland protection, monitoring of affordable housing and increasing housing supply.
The new official plan applies to all lands within the City of Ottawa.
Decision Final
Pursuant to subsections 17(36.5) and (38.1) of the Planning Act, the decision of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding an official plan adopted in accordance with section 26 of the Planning Act is final and not subject to appeal. Accordingly, the new City of Ottawa Official Plan, as approved with modifications by the Minister, came into effect on November 4, 2022.
Other Related Applications
Getting Additional Information
Additional information is available on the City of Ottawa’s website:
or by contacting the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing: Municipal Services Office – Eastern Region
8 Estate Lane Kingston, ON K7M 9A8
Consultation has concluded