New regulations approved by City Council!
Council approved the proposed recommendations for Snow Plow Contractors on October 2, 2024. The new regulations will come into effect on October 16, 2024.
What has changed?
- Prohibiting dumping snow on accessible parking spaces and on private property, other than those of clients and at an authorized snow disposal facility.
- Imposing a 4-hour limit for Snow Plow Contractors to clean up snow they have dumped on City property and on accessible parking spaces.
- Increasing minimum insurance coverage from $1 million to $2 million.
- Annual sticker to be affixed to the existing City-issued snow plow vehicle plate.
- Permitting the use of metal driveway markers. Fiberglass, wood, and plastic are still permitted.
- Set back distances for installing driveway markers are now the same for all material types, which includes minimum 5 feet from edge of sidewalk and 7 feet from edge of the roadway if there is no sidewalk.
- Requiring Snow Plow Contractors and property owners to replace their damaged driveway markers and clean up any debris as a result of this damage.
- Requiring Snow Plow Contractors to provide their clients with a copy of the regulations annually ("SNOW KNOWledge pamphlet").
- Updating vehicle signage standards for snow plows to comply with the City of Ottawa’s Accessibility Design standards (15cm in height, colour contrast of 2:1 with vehicle’s colour, and an Arial style font).
- Clarifying existing exemptions to the licensing requirement, including the exemption for farmers in the rural part of the City.
Consumer Awareness
For more information on the new regulations, please refer to the SNOW KNOWledge pamphlet (COMING SOON). Additional information related to private snow plow contractors can also be found on the City’s Consumer Awareness page.
City staff would like to thank all participants of the Snow Plow Contractor Licensing Review. Your feedback has been a crucial part of the development of new regulations.

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