Sandy Hill Community Centre Redevelopment - Potential concept plans

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Project Overview:

Councillor Plante's Office along with the City of Ottawa’s Recreational, Cultural and Facility Planning Department are looking for input on the potential improvements and renovation to the Sandy Hill Community Centre, located at 250 Somerset St. East in Ward 12 – Rideau-Vanier.

In 2022, the City of Ottawa conducted an Engage Ottawa Community Survey on how the Sandy Hill Community Centre should potentially be renovated and improved. The feedback has been considered and the City has developed two(2) potential concept plans to expand and renovate the existing facility. The concept plans show the addition of a full-size gymnasium with associated amenities, a new universal washroom, and improvements to the existing main hall, existing upper-level kitchen and existing lower-level gallery.

The Options Analysis is the first step in the realization of the addition and renovation of the Sandy Hill Community Centre project. Securing additional funding is the next necessary step to continue developing the project into schematic and design development phase.

Note that should the project proceed, access to the Community Centre may be affected during construction. Further details will be determined at a later project stage.

Take the short survey below to share your preferred option and any additional comments. A summary of each option is provided below. The survey will be open until June 28, 2024.

Please be aware that the final plan may differ from the concept being presented as a result of the public consultation responses, technical detailing, and supply and/or financial constraints.

Options Summary:

Two main options are included in the study: Option 1 and Option 2. Each option has a 1-level (Option A) or 2-level (Option B) sub-option:

Option 1A: one level

Option 1B: two levels

Option 2A: one level

Option 2B: two levels


• Renovation of the existing level 1 gallery.

• Acoustic renovation of the existing level 2 Main Hall.

• Renovation and accessibility improvements for the existing level 2 kitchen.

• No change to the existing parking area or passenger drop-off after project completion.

• No change to the existing lawn, wading pool or play areas during or after construction, although parking at the Community Centre may be affected during construction.

• Retention of existing mature trees where possible, with any trees removed replaced with saplings elsewhere on site on the recommendation of an expert.

• New park pathways and landscaping around the addition to integrate with the rest of the park.


Full height gymnasium (approximately 8 meters high), 1-storey connection to existing building (approximately 3.5 meters high). Gymnasium orientation: east-west.

The Option 1A design has the smallest footprint of all of the options in the study, and has the lowest anticipated cost of the 4 options. The overall building size for Option 1A, including the existing building, is approximately 2,331m2.

Option 1A - Level 1:

• Gymnasium.

• Gymnasium Viewing Area.

• Gender-Inclusive Changing Area

• Universal Washroom

• New Level 1 Reception desk

• Level 1 kitchen

• Courtyard

No level 2 for this option.


Full height gymnasium (approximately 8 meters high), 2-storey connection to existing building (approximately 6.5 meters high). Gymnasium orientation: east-west.

The Option 1B design has the same footprint as Option 1A, and includes a second level addition with an upper gymnasium viewing area and an additional multi-purpose room. The overall building size for Option 1B, including the existing building, is approximately 2,587m2.

The 2-storey Option 1B is more costly than the 1-storey Option 1A.

Option 1B - Level 1 and 2:

• Gymnasium.

• Gymnasium Viewing Area.

• Gender-Inclusive Changing Area.

• Universal Washroom.

• New Level 1 Reception Desk.

• Level 1 kitchen.

• New Level 2 Multi-purpose Room.

• Level 2 Gymnasium Viewing Area.

• Courtyard.


Full height gymnasium (approximately 8 meters high), 2-storey connection to existing building (approximately 3.5 meters high). Gymnasium orientation: north-south.

The overall building size for Option 2A, including the existing building, is approximately 2,362m2.

Option 2A - Level 1:

• Gymnasium.

• Gymnasium Viewing Area.

• Gender-Inclusive Changing Area.

• Universal Washroom.

• New Level 1 Reception Desk.

• New Pre-School Room.

• New Courtyard.

No level 2 for this option.


Full height gymnasium (approximately 8 meters high), 2-storey connection to existing building (approximately 6.5 meters high). Gymnasium orientation: north-south.

The Option 2B design has the largest footprint of all the options in the study. The overall building size for Option 2B, including the existing building, is approximately 2,704m2. With the largest footprint of all of the options in the study, Option 2B has the highest anticipated cost.

Option 2B - Level 1 and 2:

• Gymnasium.

• Gymnasium Viewing Area.

• Gender-Inclusive Changing Area.

• Universal Washroom.

• New Level 1 Reception Desk.

• New Pre-School Room.

• New Level 2 Multi-purpose Room.

• Level 2 Gymnasium Viewing Area.

• New Courtyard.

Project Overview:

Councillor Plante's Office along with the City of Ottawa’s Recreational, Cultural and Facility Planning Department are looking for input on the potential improvements and renovation to the Sandy Hill Community Centre, located at 250 Somerset St. East in Ward 12 – Rideau-Vanier.

In 2022, the City of Ottawa conducted an Engage Ottawa Community Survey on how the Sandy Hill Community Centre should potentially be renovated and improved. The feedback has been considered and the City has developed two(2) potential concept plans to expand and renovate the existing facility. The concept plans show the addition of a full-size gymnasium with associated amenities, a new universal washroom, and improvements to the existing main hall, existing upper-level kitchen and existing lower-level gallery.

The Options Analysis is the first step in the realization of the addition and renovation of the Sandy Hill Community Centre project. Securing additional funding is the next necessary step to continue developing the project into schematic and design development phase.

Note that should the project proceed, access to the Community Centre may be affected during construction. Further details will be determined at a later project stage.

Take the short survey below to share your preferred option and any additional comments. A summary of each option is provided below. The survey will be open until June 28, 2024.

Please be aware that the final plan may differ from the concept being presented as a result of the public consultation responses, technical detailing, and supply and/or financial constraints.

Options Summary:

Two main options are included in the study: Option 1 and Option 2. Each option has a 1-level (Option A) or 2-level (Option B) sub-option:

Option 1A: one level

Option 1B: two levels

Option 2A: one level

Option 2B: two levels


• Renovation of the existing level 1 gallery.

• Acoustic renovation of the existing level 2 Main Hall.

• Renovation and accessibility improvements for the existing level 2 kitchen.

• No change to the existing parking area or passenger drop-off after project completion.

• No change to the existing lawn, wading pool or play areas during or after construction, although parking at the Community Centre may be affected during construction.

• Retention of existing mature trees where possible, with any trees removed replaced with saplings elsewhere on site on the recommendation of an expert.

• New park pathways and landscaping around the addition to integrate with the rest of the park.


Full height gymnasium (approximately 8 meters high), 1-storey connection to existing building (approximately 3.5 meters high). Gymnasium orientation: east-west.

The Option 1A design has the smallest footprint of all of the options in the study, and has the lowest anticipated cost of the 4 options. The overall building size for Option 1A, including the existing building, is approximately 2,331m2.

Option 1A - Level 1:

• Gymnasium.

• Gymnasium Viewing Area.

• Gender-Inclusive Changing Area

• Universal Washroom

• New Level 1 Reception desk

• Level 1 kitchen

• Courtyard

No level 2 for this option.


Full height gymnasium (approximately 8 meters high), 2-storey connection to existing building (approximately 6.5 meters high). Gymnasium orientation: east-west.

The Option 1B design has the same footprint as Option 1A, and includes a second level addition with an upper gymnasium viewing area and an additional multi-purpose room. The overall building size for Option 1B, including the existing building, is approximately 2,587m2.

The 2-storey Option 1B is more costly than the 1-storey Option 1A.

Option 1B - Level 1 and 2:

• Gymnasium.

• Gymnasium Viewing Area.

• Gender-Inclusive Changing Area.

• Universal Washroom.

• New Level 1 Reception Desk.

• Level 1 kitchen.

• New Level 2 Multi-purpose Room.

• Level 2 Gymnasium Viewing Area.

• Courtyard.


Full height gymnasium (approximately 8 meters high), 2-storey connection to existing building (approximately 3.5 meters high). Gymnasium orientation: north-south.

The overall building size for Option 2A, including the existing building, is approximately 2,362m2.

Option 2A - Level 1:

• Gymnasium.

• Gymnasium Viewing Area.

• Gender-Inclusive Changing Area.

• Universal Washroom.

• New Level 1 Reception Desk.

• New Pre-School Room.

• New Courtyard.

No level 2 for this option.


Full height gymnasium (approximately 8 meters high), 2-storey connection to existing building (approximately 6.5 meters high). Gymnasium orientation: north-south.

The Option 2B design has the largest footprint of all the options in the study. The overall building size for Option 2B, including the existing building, is approximately 2,704m2. With the largest footprint of all of the options in the study, Option 2B has the highest anticipated cost.

Option 2B - Level 1 and 2:

• Gymnasium.

• Gymnasium Viewing Area.

• Gender-Inclusive Changing Area.

• Universal Washroom.

• New Level 1 Reception Desk.

• New Pre-School Room.

• New Level 2 Multi-purpose Room.

• Level 2 Gymnasium Viewing Area.

• New Courtyard.

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Page last updated: 10 Jun 2024, 05:31 PM