Riverside South Park 11

Riverside South Park 11 is a proposed 2.36-hectare neighbourhood park located at the southeast quadrant of Borbridge Avenue and Ralph Hennessy Avenue in Riverside South. The park address is 1025 Borbridge Avenue.
The park is bounded by Borbridge Avenue to the north, future low density residential development to the east, a proposed Ottawa-Carleton District School Board elementary school site to the south, and Ralph Hennessy Avenue to the west. Low-density and medium-density residential uses are planned on the west side of Ralph Hennessy Avenue opposite the park. A commercial block and residential uses are proposed on the north side of Borbridge Avenue across from the park block.
Proposed amenities for Riverside South Park 11 include:
- Full-size soccer field
- Splash pad
- Playground areas
- Shade structure
- Single puddle rink with one light and a rink bunker
- Potentially one or two pickleball courts
- Park benches and picnic tables
- Pathways
- Parking lot
- Landscape planting
The ability to include one or two pickleball courts as part of the park development project will depend on the pricing received when the project is tendered.
The Document Library on this page includes a PDF file with the Concept Plan for the park and images of three splash pad options and two playground equipment options.
The park will be developed in accordance with the City’s Accessibility Design Standards.
The park naming will be undertaken separately in consultation with the Ward Councillor.
Please complete the survey questionnaire below on the splash pad and playground equipment options and the Concept Plan by November 14, 2024. Comments may also be directed to the Parks Planner.
What We Learned
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Riverside South Park 11 public consultation. The consultation statistics show that 786 visitors viewed the website on Engage Ottawa during the consultation period.
The survey results for the splash pad options were as follows:
- 40 respondents preferred Option 3
- 35 respondents preferred Option 2
- 13 respondents preferred Option 1
While Option 3 received the most splash pad votes, the City’s Parks Operations staff advised not to proceed with Option 3 due to the high cost to replace the Solis balls when they are damaged. Option 2 was the second most popular splash pad option. Option 2 has been selected as the preferred splash pad option to proceed with for the detail design and construction phases of the project.
The survey results for the playground equipment were as follows:
- 61 respondents preferred Option B – Colourful Modern Play
- 23 respondents preferred Option A – Nature Theme
Playground equipment Option B – Colourful Modern Play - has been chosen for implementation.
In general, the submissions included the following requests and comments:
- 7 requests for more tree planting, tree preservation and shaded seating
- 6 requests for tennis courts or combined tennis / pickleball courts
- 5 requests for a volleyball court
- 4 requests for more pickleball courts and 1 request for less pickleball courts
- 4 requests for outdoor fitness equipment / exercise options for all ages
- 3 requests for lighting the pathways and courts
- 3 requests for a fenced off-leash dog area
- 2 requests for track and field
- 2 requests for a shade shelter or an additional shade shelter with picnic tables
- 1 request each for the following: permanent boarded rink / multi-use court, basketball court, cricket pitch, fenced and gated playground, more parking spaces, more waste containers, outdoor ping pong table, skating rink, paved pathway around the soccer field, pool, skateboard / scooter pump track, community garden, chess board, sandbox, indoor recreation spaces, misting machines, dog drink area and dog wash station
The park concept design includes a sand play area, a paved pathway around the soccer field, a shade structure with one picnic table beneath it, and a water service, rink bunker and light to accommodate a puddle rink.
The proposed tree planting is estimated to provide approximately 38% tree canopy coverage at maturity. Opportunities for additional tree planting can be considered during detail design if budget allows. Trees within the park block were previously removed to fill the park to subdivision grades. Shaded seating areas have been provided on the concept plan.
The requests for tennis courts, more pickleball courts, a volleyball court, a basketball court, a permanent boarded rink / multi-use court, an additional shade shelter, pathway lighting, court lighting, a fenced off-leash dog facility, an outdoor ping pong table, a skateboard / scooter pump track, additional parking spaces, outdoor fitness equipment, additional waste containers, a cricket pitch, and fencing and a gate around the playground cannot be accommodated within the project budget or there is insufficient space to provide the amenity within the park in accordance with City standards. There is currently a moratorium on considering and approving new community gardens on City lands. The City does not develop or operate track and field facilities other than the Terry Fox Athletic Facility at Mooney’s Bay Park.
The proposed pickleball courts and the adjacent pathway will be shifted a short distance to the north and the courts will be reoriented to provide space to accommodate the potential future development of either a single tennis court, a full-size basketball court or a volleyball court to the south of the pickleball courts. The development of a potential future facility would be subject to future funding approval. It should be noted that the ability to include one or two pickleball courts as shown on the park concept plan will depend on the pricing received when the project is tendered. Pickleball is popular with a wide range of age groups including older adults. Pickleball courts are public courts that may also be used for progressive (learn-to-play) tennis.
A half-size basketball court is available at Memorial Grove Park approximately 500 metres to the north of Riverside Park 11 and an existing off-leash dog facility is located at Rideau View Park approximately 1 km to the north. Outdoor fitness equipment has been installed at Atrium Park approximately 1.3 km to the west of Riverside South Park 11. A permanent boarded rink / multi-use court is proposed to be developed at Rhythm Park approximately 1.2 km to the west of Riverside Park 11. Volleyball courts, tennis / pickleball courts, a full-size outdoor basketball court and outdoor fitness equipment are being considered for future development at the Riverside South Core District Park, which will be located approximately 750 meters to the northeast of Riverside South Park 11.