Proposed Right-of-Way Patio By-law Amendments
Staff have completed a review of the temporary amendments to the existing Right-of-Way Patio By-law (2017-92) as directed in Council Report ACS2022-PIE-RHU-0005. Staff are proposing the following permanent amendments to the associated by-laws, which are intended to provide consistency and clarity for both patio operators, staff, Council and members of the public.
The following list highlights proposed amendments to the Right-of-Way Patio By-law:
To provide consistency, staff are recommending that all Right of Way (ROW) patio permits issued be subject to a closure of 2:00 a.m.
For the last three years, under the Patio Innovation Program, all Right-of-Way Patios were allowed to remain open until 2:00 a.m. The Patio Innovation Program was developed to support patio operators and address existing by-law inconsistencies, which included varying closure times up to 2:00 a.m. The program aided in creating a consistent and equitable approach and opportunity for patio operators to recover from economic hardship faced by the pandemic, by allowing them to align their business hours with their patio operations. Staff continue to note that the consistent closure time has provided clarity for patio operators and enforcement staff and has been successful due to the associated stepped enforcement strategy. Moving forward, to allow this existing situation to continue, City staff are recommending that the Right-of-Way Patio By-law be revised to permanently allow for a continuation of a 2:00 a.m, closing time for patios in the Right-of-Way. It is also important to note that all patios, regardless of their location (ROW or private property) remain subject to the City’s Noise By-law. In addition to the City’s Noise By-law and the continuation of a stepped enforcement strategy, staff is recommending adding the following changes to the By-law to provide additional clarity:
- Adding the definition of “Live Music and Entertainment”. This will provide clarity in what is considered live music and entertainment as it was not previously defined.
- “Live Music and Entertainment” means any one or more of any of the following, performed live by one or more persons, whether done for compensation and whether or not admission is charged: (1) musical act (including karaoke); (2) theatrical act (including stand-up comedy); (3) play; (4) revue; (5) dance; (6) magic act; (7) disc jockey; or (8) similar activity.
- Clarify Section 8 (4) related to patio applications by adding that live music and entertainment are not permitted at any time and no amplified music is permitted to be played on a patio after 11:00 p.m. Amplified music includes outdoor audio speakers on the patio as well as indoor audio speakers and/or indoor live music emitting from inside the establishment onto the patio.
- Replace “live music” for “live music and entertainment” throughout the document for consistency.
An applicant to the Café Seating Patio Permit may request an unlimited amount of Café seating patio permits.
This change will allow business operators to have as many tables as space will allow limited to a depth of one row of tables in addition to providing a minimum 2 metre pedestrian clearway.
This is a permanent continuation of the changes to the Café Seating introduced under the Patio Innovation Program,
Adding reference to the Tree Protection By-law No. 2020-340.
The addition of a reference to the Tree Protection By-law will allow City staff to review at the time of an application, any interference with a City tree and will also address the responsibility for paying and reinstating any City landscaping that is damaged or removed as a result of a patio installation.
Winter maintenance
The addition of provisions under the patio application section to address the owners responsibility for maintaining the space around the Right-of-Way patio and ensuring it remains free of snow and ice. Staff also recommend adding language to ensure the patio is not used as winter storage. These changes will allow the City to deliver their operations without interferences and will reduce liability associated with any potential injuries.
Notification for new patio applications
Staff are recommending an amendment to the notification process for new patio applications. The proposed recommendation will reduce the notification radius for new patio applications from 90 m to 30 m to bring it in line with the current noise and zoning by-law notification standards.
The new process will also include notification to the Ward Councillor; a letter to residents and residential property owners within the 30 m radius, the local Business Improvement Area and any local community association registered with the City of Ottawa.
This process currently does not apply on an annual basis and is only required when a new patio is established in the Right-of-Way. This will be the continued approach.
Additional By-law Amendment(s):
Delegation of Authority to close roads in support of patios and public space
The authority to close roads on a temporary/seasonal basis to support patios and/or public space has been given to the Manager, Right of Way, Heritage and Urban Design on an annual basis through the Patio Innovation Program. Staff are recommending making this authority permanent, by way of amending the relevant by-law(s) to provide delegated authority to the Manager, Right of Way, Heritage and Urban Design, in consultation with the Director or Traffic Services, together with the Director of Roads and Parking Services, to:
(a) Authorize the temporary closure of segments of any City of Ottawa road. Closures must happen between April 1st to October 31st of each year.
(b) Request to close a segment of a street must be requested on an annual basis.
(c) Limit this delegation of authority to only be exercised where there is written request from the Business Improvement Area for the given geographic area, or in the circumstance where a Business Improvement Area does not exist, 2/3 of the business owners on each block segment approve of the road closure as provided o the Manager and Directors listed above.
(d) The subject temporary closure will provide a benefit to the public realm, to be determined through the review and approval process.
If you would like to review a copy of the draft by-law, please submit a request to Further questions or comments can also be shared by email to or submitted here.

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