Revised Design

Following consultations with the public and internal City departments, the proposed design was determined to be incompatible with existing transit service on Old Saint Patrick Street. The scope of the project was subsequently modified to eliminate aspects of the design that were incompatible with transit service and to shift the project's budget to improving cycling infrastructure on Cobourg Street.

The revised design is available in the Documents section of the website and is summarized below:

  • There will no longer be parking impacts to Old Saint Patrick Street.
  • There will be a localized eastbound lane narrowing from 4.8 m to 3.5 m using paint at the existing pedestrian crossing to improve traffic calming.
  • Painted sharrows will be added along Old Saint Patrick Street.
  • A short eastbound painted bike lane will be added between Patro Street and Cobourg Street.
  • The existing bike lanes on Cobourg Street will be extended up to Saint Patrick Street.
  • A painted advance bike box will be added at the intersection of Cobourg Street and Saint Patrick Street to facilitate bikes turning left onto Saint Patrick Street from Cobourg Street. This will include minor modifications to the traffic detection loop embedded in the asphalt under the bike box.

Implementation is expected in summer or fall 2024.

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Consultation has concluded
