Meet Ottawa's Snow Heroes: Discover the World of Mighty Snowplows!

Discover the incredible world of Ottawa's snowplows and their operators! Did you know...

  • These mighty machines weigh a whopping 25,000 kilogramsthat is as heavy as four elephants!

  • They stretch 23 feet long and tower 11 feet tall, so when you spot one on the road, remember to give it plenty of space.

  • Operators have a blind spot (any areas around a vehicle that an operator cannot see) up to 50 metres, which is equivalent to the size of an Olympic swimming pool, it is crucial to avoid running, walking, or playing near the snowplows to stay safe. Remember, if you cannot see the operator, they cannot see you either.

  • Wearing bright colors while playing in the snow helps snowplow operators spot you.

As winter approaches, it is important to stay safe around Ottawa's snowplows and sidewalk plows. Here are some essential tips to remember:

  • Flashing blue lights: When you see a snowplow or sidewalk plow with flashing blue lights, it means their operators are hard at work. Please step aside into an open driveway if a snowplow or sidewalk plow is approaching.
  • Keep your distance: Remind your parents to always stay at least three car lengths behind our vehicles and never attempt to pass them.
  • Wave from a distance: It is exciting to watch snowplows in action, and it is important to stay a safe distance away. Always wave to our operators from a safe distance and never approach working vehicles.
  • Wear bright colours: This allows snowplow operators to see you when you are outside playing in the snow.
  • Build snow forts in the backyard: Snow forts should never be built along the road where our snowplow operators are working.

    Covering an area of 2,796 km², larger than Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, and Edmonton combined, Ottawa's snowplows and their operators are the unsung heroes. Each winter, these champions clear and treat over 13,000 lane kilometres of roadway, which includes Highway 174 and the Transitwaythat is like driving from Halifax to Vancouver and back in a snowstorm!

Map of Ottawa showing the size of the city compared to other Canadian cities

For more information, visit, call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401) or 613-580-2400 to contact the City using Canada Video Relay Service. You can also connect with us through Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram.

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