Stittsville Library

Oh, let me count the ways the Stittsville Library enriches my life.

One of the first things I did upon moving here a couple of years ago was to get my library card. I quickly learned though that borrowing dozens upon dozens of books, most of them through interlibrary loan, is just one of many ways I benefit from and enjoy this library.

It’s not always easy to entertain a young grandchild in an apartment but thanks to the library, I can always count on a couple of pleasant play hours. Everytime we go my little one makes a beeline to the glass tower of shelves to see what’s new in the ever changing guessing games; of course this is followed by reading in the child-friendly section or playing a table-top game.

I think of the Stittsville Library as my unofficial community center. I’ve participated in several day-time and night-time workshops and presentations ( cooking with spices, MAID, presentation on immigrants by a local author, environmentally responsible burials, how to live with local wild animals and a couple of artsy workshops). These are solid ways of staying on top of personally relevant topics, learning about local resources and meeting people, essentials throughout life.

Besides all that I have borrowed and donated puzzles and books, enjoyed the displays by local artists and the Goulbourn Historical Society and even picked up some seeds for my JoJo’s Community Garden patch. In fact this past summer was the first time I’ve ever gardened and I did not spend one penny on seeds thanks to the library. Lettuce, carrots, onions, radishes, kale, beets anyone!

But what is especially appealing to me about the Stittsville Library is the feeling I get when I spend time there. The atmosphere is warm, inviting, familial yet professional; I think this is so because of the people skills each and every member of the staff possesses. I always look forward to saying hello to whoever is on duty, except of course when I am simply whizzing in and out. Once or twice I even enjoyed an impromptu personal conversation on a shared concern. That is exceptional. Oh! I must not forget the two times I needed to read some very old historical manuscripts but these were only available for reading inside the downtown library. I am unable to drive in city traffic so I asked if I could read the manuscripts inside the Stittsville library and such an accommodation was made for me. I truly appreciated that.

Well, that is my personal library story. I’ve always enjoyed this public resource throughout my adult life but the Stittsville branch stands out as a true community gem.

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