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Our Big Night Out

I have two sons who are now pushing 40. When they were young children I was working full time. Our evening visit to the Sunnyside Branch of the Ottawa Public Library was the highlight of the week - our big night out. The routine was always the same - we went to the children's section in the basement and after an hour or so they made their selections for sign-out. On one of these nights, my 3 year old decided that he really did not want to go home. Upstairs by the check-out desk, he lay down on the floor and had a full blown tantrum. At the time I was mortified. However, when I thought about it later, I saw some humour in the situation. If my child was having a meltdown because he did not want to leave a library, maybe that was not such a bad thing. I am happy to say that both sons have remained enthusiastic about reading.

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