A place for the whole family
When I was younger, my mom used to bring me and my sister to the Centrepointe library once a month (a departure from our home branch). This was always an exciting occasion because this was a library that was inaccessible to us at the time since it wasn't within biking distance, and therefore had untold treasures in it (books I've never seen). I remember I used to go to the Teen's section and go through all the books row by row, even sitting down on the ground so I could access the lowest shelves. My sister would go to the children's section, and my mom to the foreign language section; we would always spend at least an hour there. Sometimes on the way home, we'd beg our mom to go to the drive through car wash, just so we could sit in line, turn the car off, and read our respective books quietly. These memories are precious to me. The library was a place we could be apart, but together.
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