S4 - Leitrim - West of Bank Street - Future Neighbourhood

This page will be your hub for all documents, opportunities to engage and other information related to the neighbourhood plan for Leitrim West.
Leitrim West is identified on the map below, located in south of the City as a continuation of the Leitrim Community in Ward 22. It is approximately 15 hectares in size and will provide much needed housing for about 500 new residents.
Planning and engineering studies for this future neighbourhood began in spring 2024 and are anticipated to be completed in early 2025 with the approval of a concept plan and supporting studies.
Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Master Plan for Leitrim West-S4 Lands
The Study
The City of Ottawa has initiated a secondary planning process for the development of Leitrim West (also referred to as 4850 Bank Street or S4 Lands), a property added to the City of Ottawa urban boundary in 2022 upon approval of the new Official Plan. To develop these lands, the requirements to remove the Future Neighbourhood Overlay must be met in accordance with the City of Ottawa’s Official Plan, and a Master Plan will be prepared in accordance with Approach 2 of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process.
The EA Master Plan
The EA Master Plan will identify the recommended transportation, water, sanitary, and stormwater infrastructure required to service the new community. Approach 2 fulfills Phase 1 (Problem or Opportunity) and Phase 2 (Alternative Solutions) of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process to obtain Master Plan approval under the Environmental Assessment Act and will be integrated with Planning Act approvals for future development of the land. This integrated process will allow for coordination of land-use planning and infrastructure planning. The area subject to the process is shown in the key map below.
Public Consultation and First Public Open House
Consultation with the public is a key component of this study. You are invited to attend a public open house to present the study process, including the EA Master Plan process, the existing environmental conditions, the problems and opportunities to be addressed, and alternative solutions for servicing the site.
Date: Tuesday, October 29th, 2024
Time: 6:00-8:00 PM Drop-in Format
Location: Fred Barrett Arena, 3280 Leitrim Road
In addition, there will be an opportunity for the public to review the final EA Master Plan Report at the conclusion of the study during a 30-day review period.
How to Participate
If you have comments or questions about the planning process, or wish to be added to the study mailing list to receive future project updates, please visit engage.ottawa.ca/leitrim_west or contact the project team:
Robin van de Lande, Senior Urban Planner
Community Planning Unit
For more information regarding the City’s Urban Expansion in Future Neighbourhoods, please visit engage.ottawa.ca/urban-expansion-in-future-neighbourhoods
Comments will be maintained for reference throughout the project and will become part of the public record. Under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and the Environmental Assessment Act, any personal information such as name, address and telephone number included in a submission will become part of the public record unless the commenter specifically requests that such personal details not be included in the public record.
This Notice is issued October 18, 2024.