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Consultation has concluded
Consulation has concluded
The community has voted and chosen the Circle theme design, Option B. Thank you for your participation.
Landscape Improvements
The City is looking for your feedback on the design of Kingsmere Park landscape improvements. Kingsmere Park is a community park located at 2074 Benjamin Avenue, Bay Ward 7.
The proposed park improvements include the development of a new rock garden, accessible path, accessible park bench and fitness signage.
You can download and review the Concept Plans in the ‘Document Library’ (located to the right) which shows the proposed options.
Take the survey below to share your feedback and let us know your preference.
Consulation has concluded
The community has voted and chosen the Circle theme design, Option B. Thank you for your participation.
Landscape Improvements
The City is looking for your feedback on the design of Kingsmere Park landscape improvements. Kingsmere Park is a community park located at 2074 Benjamin Avenue, Bay Ward 7.
The proposed park improvements include the development of a new rock garden, accessible path, accessible park bench and fitness signage.
You can download and review the Concept Plans in the ‘Document Library’ (located to the right) which shows the proposed options.
Take the survey below to share your feedback and let us know your preference.