Fisher Heights Park: Life-Cycle Replacement of Play Equipment
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Consultation has concluded
The City is looking for input on the new play equipment being proposed to replace the existing play equipment at Fisher Heights Park, located at 31 Sutton Place in Ward 9. The community is invited to identify their preferred option and to provide comments on the proposed equipment.
You can download and review the two proposed play equipment options by following the link in the ‘Document Library’ (located on the panel to the right). The proposed plan has been designed to meet the City of Ottawa Accessibility Design Standards and will include the replacement of the existing sand under the play structures with engineered wood fiber safety surfacing
Please note: this project falls under the Lifecycle Replacement program. Council has approved the budget and the scope. Therefore, upgrades and/or replacement of the other existing amenities in the park, such as the gazebo, community building, parking lot, baseball diamond, and extended pathways, as well as any new proposed amenities to the park, are beyond the scope of this project. Your understanding is appreciated.
The consultation period for Fisher Heights Park has ended. Thank you to everyone who participated.
What We Heard
Survey Results
The consultation statistics show that 135 participants looked at the project website, and of those, 18 individuals provided responses to the survey that was posted.
Two options were provided for the proposed play equipment. 11 of the 18 participants (61%) preferred Option 1 (the red & grey play structure).
Respondents were also asked if they had any more comments. 13 of the 18 participants (72%) answered ‘no’. Of those that had additional comments, the following is a summary of the items mentioned regarding the proposal in general, or Option 1:
# of comments
Add a fireman’s pole to the play structure:.................................................................... 1
Had concerns about the 2-5 play equipment in option 1:............................................... 2
Add a splash pad:.......................................................................................................... 1
Add a dog park:.............................................................................................................. 1
Add a zip line:................................................................................................................. 1
Had concerns regarding overlapping construction with Parthia Park............................. 1
Direction Moving Forward:
The consultant has been requested to proceed with the Option 1 play equipment, with the other potential edits as per the comments below.
Investigate adding a fireman’s pole to Option 1.
Investigate if there is an alternate version of the playhouse slide for the small children.
Additional park amenities, such as the splash pad, dog park, and zip line, are out of scope for the current project.
We will continue to monitor the schedules of both the Parthia Park and Fisher Heights Park projects in order to minimize disruption to the community.
Thank you, again, to everyone who participated.
The City is looking for input on the new play equipment being proposed to replace the existing play equipment at Fisher Heights Park, located at 31 Sutton Place in Ward 9. The community is invited to identify their preferred option and to provide comments on the proposed equipment.
You can download and review the two proposed play equipment options by following the link in the ‘Document Library’ (located on the panel to the right). The proposed plan has been designed to meet the City of Ottawa Accessibility Design Standards and will include the replacement of the existing sand under the play structures with engineered wood fiber safety surfacing
Please note: this project falls under the Lifecycle Replacement program. Council has approved the budget and the scope. Therefore, upgrades and/or replacement of the other existing amenities in the park, such as the gazebo, community building, parking lot, baseball diamond, and extended pathways, as well as any new proposed amenities to the park, are beyond the scope of this project. Your understanding is appreciated.
The consultation period for Fisher Heights Park has ended. Thank you to everyone who participated.
What We Heard
Survey Results
The consultation statistics show that 135 participants looked at the project website, and of those, 18 individuals provided responses to the survey that was posted.
Two options were provided for the proposed play equipment. 11 of the 18 participants (61%) preferred Option 1 (the red & grey play structure).
Respondents were also asked if they had any more comments. 13 of the 18 participants (72%) answered ‘no’. Of those that had additional comments, the following is a summary of the items mentioned regarding the proposal in general, or Option 1:
# of comments
Add a fireman’s pole to the play structure:.................................................................... 1
Had concerns about the 2-5 play equipment in option 1:............................................... 2
Add a splash pad:.......................................................................................................... 1
Add a dog park:.............................................................................................................. 1
Add a zip line:................................................................................................................. 1
Had concerns regarding overlapping construction with Parthia Park............................. 1
Direction Moving Forward:
The consultant has been requested to proceed with the Option 1 play equipment, with the other potential edits as per the comments below.
Investigate adding a fireman’s pole to Option 1.
Investigate if there is an alternate version of the playhouse slide for the small children.
Additional park amenities, such as the splash pad, dog park, and zip line, are out of scope for the current project.
We will continue to monitor the schedules of both the Parthia Park and Fisher Heights Park projects in order to minimize disruption to the community.
Take the short survey below to share your preferred option and any additional comments. The survey will be open until Monday, October 16th, 2023. The survey can be taken once per account.
Please be aware that the final park plan may differ from the concept being presented as a result of the public consultation responses, technical detailing, and supply and/or financial constraints.
Consultation has concluded
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