Election Signs By-laws Review

This survey is for anyone interested in providing feedback on the City of Ottawa's rules for election signs.
In June 2019, City Council directed staff to review the regulations for election signs in the City's Signs By-laws. This survey will allow City staff to better understand the opinion of members of the public.
The survey will be available until Friday, July 30. The results of this survey will be summarized in a report to the Finance and Economic Development Committee and City Council in the fall of 2021.
If you are unable to complete this survey online, or require accommodation under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, please contact the Elections Office by telephone at 613-580-2660 or by email at elections@ottawa.ca.
Current Regulations for Election Signs in Ottawa
Currently, the there are two signs by-laws that regulate election signs on private and public property for municipal, provincial and federal elections:
- The Signs on City Roads By-law (No. 2003-520); and
- The Temporary Signs on Private Property By-law (No. 2004-239).
Election signs can be placed on private property 60 days prior to the election date for municipal elections, or at the issuance of the relevant federal or provincial Writ.
Election signs can be placed on public property 30 days prior to the election date for municipal elections, or at the issuance of the relevant federal or provincial Writ.
All election signs must be removed within 48 hours following any election date.
Elections signs must comply with the regulations contained in the by-laws and must not create a physical obstruction, pose a line of sight issue, or safety hazard for pedestrians or vehicle operators.
A complete summary of the current regulations can be found in the Documents Section of this page.