- Attend public events.
- Sign-up to the project’s email list to receive periodic updates on the study’s progress and invites to public events.
- Visit this webpage to stay up to date about upcoming events and current information.
- Contact the project lead (see contact information below) at any time during the process to request information, ask questions, or submit feedback.
How will this project impact the study area?
This project aims to provide direction on how the study area can grow through an Official Plan Amendment that will introduce a new secondary plan and possibly zoning amendments. Secondary plan policies could provide guidance on appropriate land uses and building heights, built form, and enhancements to the public space and active transportation connections.
What are secondary plan policies?
The City of Ottawa’s Official Plan provides a vision for the future growth of the city and a policy framework to guide the City's physical development. Ottawa’s Official Plan includes secondary plans that provide more detailed guidance and adapts Official Plan policies to a local context.
Typically, secondary plan policies include direction on land uses, densities, building heights and other design requirements for buildings or sites, new connectivity requirements, and public space improvements. The policies address changes in a specific area within a planning horizon of 20 years.
How can I get involved?
There are several ways you can stay informed and engaged throughout the study process: