Old Ottawa East Community Centre and Forecourt Park
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The City is looking for your feedback on the potential development of the Old Ottawa East Community Centre as well as the adjacent Forecourt Park, located in Old Ottawa East, 205 Scholastic Drive – Deschâtelets building.
Thank you to those who attended our virtual Town Hall Zoom sessions in April 2022.
If you were unable to attend one of the Zoom consultation sessions, or if you have additional questions or feedback on the proposed design of the potential Old Ottawa East Community Centre, it’s fire lane and Forecourt Park, please feel free to submit your feedback and questions to OOECC-CCVOE@ottawa.ca
If you are interested in the development of the Old Ottawa East Community Centre and Forecourt Park please check this site regularly for project updates and consultation opportunities.
The City is looking for your feedback on the potential development of the Old Ottawa East Community Centre as well as the adjacent Forecourt Park, located in Old Ottawa East, 205 Scholastic Drive – Deschâtelets building.
Thank you to those who attended our virtual Town Hall Zoom sessions in April 2022.
If you were unable to attend one of the Zoom consultation sessions, or if you have additional questions or feedback on the proposed design of the potential Old Ottawa East Community Centre, it’s fire lane and Forecourt Park, please feel free to submit your feedback and questions to OOECC-CCVOE@ottawa.ca
If you are interested in the development of the Old Ottawa East Community Centre and Forecourt Park please check this site regularly for project updates and consultation opportunities.
Old Ottawa East Community Centre and Forecourt Park has finished this stage
The Regional Group approached staff from the Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services (RCFS) department with a proposal to redevelop the Deschâtelets Building for public use, including a community recreation component
May 2017
Old Ottawa East Community Centre and Forecourt Park has finished this stage
City Council delegated authority to the General Manager, RCFS to enter into discussions with The Regional Group and its partners regarding potential inclusion of a City of Ottawa community recreation component for the Deschâtelets Building
May 2019
Old Ottawa East Community Centre and Forecourt Park has finished this stage
Development Charge By-law was updated to include new capital funding for a Community Center in Old Ottawa East within the 2020-2025 horizon
June 2019
Old Ottawa East Community Centre and Forecourt Park has finished this stage
RCFS conducted a Request For Expression of Interest to determine if there were other competing interests or opportunities in the area. There were no responses, no interest, and no other locations identified as a result of this expression
December 2019
Old Ottawa East Community Centre and Forecourt Park has finished this stage
The Regional Group introduces RCFS to École-Catholique Centre Est (CECCE) as their desired party for an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the Deschâtelets Building. CECCE is planning to use the Deschâtelets Building for an elementary school
December 2020
Old Ottawa East Community Centre and Forecourt Park has finished this stage
City Council delegated authority to the General Manager, RCFS in consultation with the Director, Corporate Real Estate Office (CREO) to negotiate agreements, with CECCE for a recreation component in the Deschâtelets Building
September 2021
Old Ottawa East Community Centre and Forecourt Park has finished this stage
Preliminary consultation on the Old Ottawa East Community Centre and Forecourt Park occurs
2022 -
Old Ottawa East Community Centre and Forecourt Park is currently at this stage
Discussions with École-Catholique Centre Est (CECCE) and the City are ongoing. Community consultation on the development of the Old Ottawa East Community Centre and Forecourt Park continues