Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan (2024-2028) - CCEY Providers

The City of Ottawa Children’s Services is in the process of updating the local Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan for the next five years (2024-2028). This plan will act as a road map to identify priorities and set-out actions to meet the vision of an accessible, affordable, high quality, equitable and inclusive Early Learning and Child Care system by addressing local needs.
What we hear during engagement, as well as through a review of demographic and service data, will help to establish the strategic priorities for our city to respond and better meet the needs of childrenContinue reading
The City of Ottawa Children’s Services is in the process of updating the local Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan for the next five years (2024-2028). This plan will act as a road map to identify priorities and set-out actions to meet the vision of an accessible, affordable, high quality, equitable and inclusive Early Learning and Child Care system by addressing local needs.
What we hear during engagement, as well as through a review of demographic and service data, will help to establish the strategic priorities for our city to respond and better meet the needs of children and families in Ottawa. It will also ensure a strong foundation for the future as child care and early years initiatives continue to evolve and align with the on-going implementation of the Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care system.
The development of the Children’s Services Service System Plan is aligned with the City of Ottawa Strategic plan (2023-2026) and specifically supports the strategic objective to "Simplify access to social services to support those in need, including housing, employment and child-care services."
Child Care and EarlyON - Service System Plan Survey
Share Child Care and EarlyON - Service System Plan Survey on Facebook Share Child Care and EarlyON - Service System Plan Survey on Twitter Share Child Care and EarlyON - Service System Plan Survey on Linkedin Email Child Care and EarlyON - Service System Plan Survey linkCLOSED: The surveys have now ended. Thank you to all who participated.As Children’s Services works to update the Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan, it is important that we hear from providers. Feedback will help identify community priorities, strengths, challenges or gaps, and areas for action.
Your feedback will also help ensure we are setting appropriate priorities for the next five years. The survey can be accessed and completed using the link below. The survey will be open until April 10th, 2024.
We are committed to ensuring that all participants can access and complete this survey. If you require accommodations, please email by adding “Caregiver Child Care and Early Years Survey - accommodations” to your subject line.
Service System Plan Background
Share Service System Plan Background on Facebook Share Service System Plan Background on Twitter Share Service System Plan Background on Linkedin Email Service System Plan Background linkThe Provincial Government previously established four priorities to guide the continued transformation of the child care sector across Ontario. These included: Access, Affordability, Quality, and Responsiveness.
The City of Ottawa’s 2019-2023 Service System Plan (SSP) was designed to make progressive improvements in each of the priority areas and included ten strategic priorities to ensure both families and service providers in Ottawa were supported to give children the best start in life. The SSP provided priorities, actions, and a roadmap for how Children’s Services would support the local child care and early years sector.
Along with many other sectors, the child care and early years community was significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, as priorities shifted to respond to urgent and dynamic, needs. Throughout the height of the pandemic, the SSP’s priorities became important pillars to ensure that families were supported during unprecedented times. More information on the progress that has been made since the implementation of the 2019-2023 SSP, including COVID-19 impacts, can be found here.
Since the approval of the 2019-2023 plan, the Province has updated their guiding priorities to include a fifth element: Data and Reporting. This will help ensure that the work of Consolidated Municipal Service Managers, like Children’s Services at the City of Ottawa, is guided by evidence-based decisions. The Province has also renamed the “Responsiveness” priority to “Inclusion”.
Who's Listening
Director, Children’s Services
Program Manager, System Planning and Strategic Initiatives
Specialist, CCEY Planning and Projects
Strategic Support Coordinator
Spring – Fall 2023
Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan (2024-2028) - CCEY Providers has finished this stageEnvironmental scan
Complete an environmental scan and gather relevant data from the early years and child care sector for analysis.
Fall 2023 – Winter 2024
Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan (2024-2028) - CCEY Providers is currently at this stageResident and Community Engagement
Engage with families, child care and early years service providers, as well as community organizations through surveys, focus groups, and interviews to identify potential priorities and actions.
Winter 2024 – Spring 2024
this is an upcoming stage for Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan (2024-2028) - CCEY ProvidersData Analysis & Drafting the Service System Plan
Analyze and report back what we heard through engagement opportunities.
Draft strategic priorities and actions for the 2024-2028 Service System Plan for further consultation.
Spring – Summer 2024
this is an upcoming stage for Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan (2024-2028) - CCEY ProvidersEngagement to finalize a draft Service System Plan
Engagement with the child care and early years communities to validate the draft Service System Plan and collaborate to determine annual actions.
Fall 2024
this is an upcoming stage for Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan (2024-2028) - CCEY ProvidersApproval of the Service System Plan (2024-2028)
Seek approval of the Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan (2024-2028) by City Council.
Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan FAQs
- What role does the City of Ottawa play in Licensed Child Care and Early Learning?
- What is the Service System Plan (SSP)?
- Why is the City reviewing the Plan now?
- How will my feedback contribute to the Service System Plan?
- How will the Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan help increase access to CWELCC spaces?
- Where will I be able to find the Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan once it’s final and complete?
- How can residents get involved in the Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan update?
- Who can I contact if I have more questions about the Service System Plan or Child Care in the City of Ottawa?