Kanata North Nuisance Mosquito Control Program
In 2016, the City of Ottawa contracted GDG Environment(External link) for a four-year trial period to control spring and summer mosquito larvae through the application of a biological larvicide in Ward 4 (Kanata North). The program was funded by a special-area levy on property owner’s property tax bills from 2016 until 2019 and the program was further approved again to run from 2020 until 2023.
On December 6, 2023, Ottawa City Council approved a community-wide vote to determine support for the continuation of the Kanata North Nuisance Mosquito Control Program.
The proposed continuation of the Kanata North Nuisance Mosquito Control Program would take place from 2024 until 2027. The City of Ottawa has evaluated results from a request for proposals and GDG Environment has again been selected to administer the program. The continuation of this program would be funded by a special-area levy on your annual property tax bill. The cost of the special-area levy is anticipated to be approximately $20.26 per year.
Property owners in Ward 4 (Kanata North) will receive an information package in the mail from the City with background information on the program and the online voting process.
Voting Information and Process
Online ballots can be submitted from January 16, 2024 until February 6, 2024 at 4 pm.
Property owners can cast their vote online:
- They can vote below using their unique ballot identification number included in their information package
Please note that only one online ballot per property is permitted. Late ballots will not be accepted.
Ballot Question
The ballot question is: Do you support a levy to continue the Kanata North Nuisance Mosquito Control Program?
The Kanata North Mosquito Control Program levy consultation is now complete. City staff will report back to the Finance and Corporate Services Committee and Council with next steps.
Staff from the Public Works Department have reviewed and counted all submitted ballots. The ballot results are as follows:
‘YES’ to the Levy | 3320 |
‘NO’ to the Levy | 721 |
Spoiled Ballots | 13 |
Ballots will be preserved as records and retained in accordance with the City’s Record Retention and Disposition By-law.
Contact Information
For inquiries related to accessibility, questions or to provide feedback on the Kanata North Nuisance Mosquito Control Program, please contact 613-580-2474 or by email at mosquitolevy@ottawa.ca(External link).