What is Ottawa's plan for housing and homelessness?

The Province of Ontario requires municipalities to develop, implement and monitor a 10-year plan for housing and homelessness that responds to local needs and achieves municipal and provincial objectives.

In 2013, City Council approved a new housing and homelessness plan, A Home for Everyone: Our 10-Year Plan, 2014 to 2024. The plan was developed through extensive consultations with stakeholders and the community. The plan is a commitment that individuals, organizations and governments will collaborate to ensure that Ottawa’s residents have access to a safe and affordable home with the support they need to remain housed.

The City originally aimed to achieve the following outcomes by 2024:

  • Everyone has access to safe, temporary shelter.
  • There is no chronic homelessness.
  • No one stays in an emergency shelter for more than 30 days.
  • Community and affordable housing are in a state of good repair.
  • New development increases access to suitable and affordable housing.
  • Residents receive financial support to help make housing affordable.
  • People get the supports they need to find and keep housing.

The City is currently updating the plan to respond to changes in our housing market and residents’ needs.

Did you know that Ottawa has a plan for housing and homelessness?

10-Year Housing and Homeless Plan Mid-Point Refresh

The Province requires that the City review and update its 10-Year Plan for Housing and Homelessness every five years. The update must include broad consultation, including with people who have experienced homelessness.

The City launched the plan five years ago, so the mid-point review is underway. The review includes:

  1. Looking at our current and future housing needs
  2. Creating new objectives and targets that meet our housing needs
  3. Reviewing how we will achieve the plan’s goals
  4. Deciding how we will measure progress

Sign-up for ongoing updates as we work with the community to update the plan.

What should the plan's goals be for the next four years?

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Consultation has concluded
